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Honeywell R410a Refrigerant Freon Gas in Nairobi Kenya

Honeywell R410a refrigeration gas is widely accepted to replace R-22 in air conditioning and refrigeration applications. For new equipment — not for retrofits.


  • Refrigerant Type
    • HFC
  • ASHRAE Number
    • R-410A
  • Refrigerant Class
    • Azeotropic mixture
  • Chemical Name
    • Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane
  • Contains
    • HFC-32 50%, HFC-125 50%
  • Typical Lubricant
    • POE
  • Glide
    • Near Zero Glide
  • Application
    • Commercial A/C
    • Residential A/C
    • Organic Rankine Cycle
  • Formula
    • CH2F2/CHF2CF3
  • Substitutes
    • HCFC-22


  • Vapor Viscosity
    • 0.0351 lbm/ft hr
  • Liquid Heat Capacity
    • 0.17 Btu/lb°F
  • Liquid Density
    • 66.09 lb/ft3
  • Specific Heat of Liquid
    • 0.42 Btu/lb at 86 °F
  • Vapor Pressure
    • 239.59 Psia
  • Appearance
    • Colorless
  • Heat of Vaporization
    • 117.43 Btu/lb at boiling point @ 1 ATM 101.3 kPa
  • Critical Density
    • 28.69 lb/ft3
  • Liquid Viscosity
    • 0.2825 lbm/ft hr
  • Molecular Weight
    • 72.6 lbm/lbmol
  • Purity Number
    • 0
  • Specific Heat of Vapor
    • 0.17 Btu/lb at 86 °F and 1 Atm, at Cp
  • Saturated Liquid Density
    • 64.5 lb/ft3 at 86 °F
  • Critical Pressure
    • 711.07 psia
  • Vapor Density
    • 0.26 lb/ft3 at boiling point
  • Critical Volume
    • 0.0349 ft3lb
  • Vapor Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.0091 Btu/hr ft°F
  • Solubility of Water
    • 0.28
  • Liquid Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.0534 Btu/hr ft°F


  • Freezing Point
    • -247 °F at 1 Atm
  • Boiling Point/Range
    • -60.6 °F at 1 Atm 101.3 kPa
  • Critical Temperature
    • 160.44 °F ASTM D-1321


  • Flammable Range
    • None, %vol. in air Based on ASHRAE Standard 34 with Match Ignition
  • Ozone Depletion Potential
    • 0

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